by Cathy Yardley | Promotion
How much marketing are you doing, really? How much “platform building”? Being honest: probably not that much. Am I right? If you’re published, you may only send out a newsletter just before a release date. If you’re unpublished, you may blog...
by Cathy Yardley | Writing Life
Have you ever experienced the sting of someone expressing they didn’t like what you wrote? Unless you’ve been writing in a cave and refusing to let anyone look at your stories (or only giving it to people who will mouth platitudes and “adore”...
by Cathy Yardley | Business, Craft
I critique a lot of proposal packages for clients who want to improve their query letter and synopsis prior to submitting to agents and editors. I thought I’d show you guys a peek under the hood of how an actual critique works. (Note: this is going to be a...
by Cathy Yardley | Business, Craft, Writing Life
“I would never put out anything less than my best!” I’ve been reading this a lot lately, in blog posts, in comments, on social media. Usually, it’s referring to self-publishing ( “I would never publish anything less than my best!”)...