How to Find your Right Readers, Part 2
You know your author brand. Now what? Remember last week, when we talked about author branding being an introduction? When you introduce yourself to someone, you don’t regurgitate your whole life story in minute detail with footnotes and color commentary. You...
I mentioned before that it was more important to find your right readers, rather than appeal to some generic “universal” readership. Turns out a number of you were interested in getting more information about finding your “right readers.” (I’m going to...
How to get your writing career back on track.
Should you turn the ship around? I’m a plotter. While it’s a definition of my writing style, it bleeds over into my life. I like to plan for things when I can. I set goals. I cascade key performance indicators (sort of.) I like having a game plan. I went into...
3 Tricks For Stronger Openings
The Dreaded Info Dump Imagine you’re at a party, where you don’t know anyone. (Apologies if you’re an introvert like me, where “being at a party where you don’t know anyone” ranks right up there with “skydiving” or “being hunted for sport” on the list of things...
How Personal Is Too Personal?
How personal should your stories be? This occasionally comes up when I’m working with my coaching clients. For reasons they might not be able to identify, they will feel that their stories are stale, or their endings are safe. (Often, they’re not wrong.) I’ve talked...
3 Things to Know
There are three things you should know to be a successful writer. That may seem facile, clickbait for writing courses and coaches. But it really does boil down to three things: What’s your goal? What’s your writer archetype? What’s your process? They are...
Tap into Psyche
WELCOME TO THE ID. The Oxford dictionary defines the id as “the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest.” In a nutshell, the id is all about subconscious instincts, drives, desires. We might not think about them, but...
Confessions of a former planner junkie.
I used to be obsessed with planners. I watched Bullet Journal videos and beautiful hand-drawn monthly planners. I'd lust after Passion Planners, and check out other people's set up videos every January. I felt sure, every year, that I'd find it: that unicorn...
Assumptions & Requirements
We discussed looking at your goals, asking yourself what you wanted, why you wanted it, and then the last bit: what do you think you'll need to do to get it. The thing is, often times what we think we need to do, and what we actually need to do, are not the...