by Cathy Yardley | Business, Craft, Writing Life
“I would never put out anything less than my best!” I’ve been reading this a lot lately, in blog posts, in comments, on social media. Usually, it’s referring to self-publishing ( “I would never publish anything less than my best!”)...
by Cathy Yardley | Business, Writing Life
Last time, we talked about how a publishing trend cycle works, generally speaking. Given that snapshot, you might ask yourself: why would anyone in their right mind try to chase the trend? There are a number of reasons people chase a trend cycle. For some authors who...
by Cathy Yardley | Business
Publishing is cyclic. Everyone knows this. No one can predict when a genre is suddenly going to become “hot” — just like no one can predict when it will abruptly, and inevitably, cool. But everyone knows that nothing stays uniform. Cycles simply...
by Cathy Yardley | Business, Uncategorized
“How do I know what genre my novel fits into?” I see this question a lot. It’s not that authors aren’t familiar with genres — although with the proliferation of sub-genres cropping up daily, it’s hard to keep up — but often...
by Cathy Yardley | Business, Writing Life
Recently, literary fiction author Ted Heller wrote an article for Salon called “The future is no fun: Self-publishing is the worst.” In it, he describes his misadventures in self-publishing his latest novel, specifically the difficulty he’s had...
by Cathy Yardley | Business, Promotion
I read two interesting blogs recently. First, “Are Writers Badgering Readers?” over at Huff Post Books. That post was a response to Book Riot’s “Readers Don’t Owe Authors Sh*t.” The two seemed to encapsulate the writer’s...