by Cathy Yardley | Craft, Promotion, Writing Life
What does “playing to win” mean? This one’s gonna be a rough one, gang. But it’s important. I love the movie The Replacements. (Largely due to Keanu Reaves, not gonna lie.) But there is a great line in it, where the coach played by Gene...
by Cathy Yardley | Craft, Writing Life
As part of both my coaching service and my critique service, I get to see the framework of a lot of stories in progress. When it comes to conflict in general, and Hopeless Moments in the third act in particular, there’s one thing I notice, over and over...
by Cathy Yardley | Writing Life
This blog is for those writers who are having a tough time staying on track when it comes to scheduling their deadlines, marketing, etc. Strangely enough, despite being a die-hard plotter, I am much closer to a “pantser” when it comes to my time...
by Cathy Yardley | Craft, Writing Life
In my last newsletter, I talked about the pursuit of “guaranteed success” and improving your odds, even as, again, you can’t possibly control all elements. Some of you may have decided “well, I’m going to lean in to all the things that...
by Cathy Yardley | Writing Life
Quite often, usually at the beginning of the year or just before NaNo, I get a flood of emails from authors who want to work with me because they aren’t where they want to be in their manuscripts. “I just need to get my act together!” they...
by Cathy Yardley | Writing Life
You’ve finished your book, and even the lingering celebration/book hangover from that project is gone. Maybe you’ve published it, or you’re querying, or you’re simply letting it sit before revisions. Now’s the time: you’re ready for something new! Only you’re...