Playing to Win

Playing to Win

What does “playing to win” mean?   This one’s gonna be a rough one, gang. But it’s important. I love the movie The Replacements. (Largely due to Keanu Reaves, not gonna lie.) But there is a great line in it, where the coach played by Gene...
Torture for Fun and Profit

Torture for Fun and Profit

  As part of both my coaching service and my critique service, I get to see the framework of a lot of stories in progress. When it comes to conflict in general, and Hopeless Moments in the third act in particular, there’s one thing I notice, over and over...
Time management: plotting vs. pantsing.

Time management: plotting vs. pantsing.

  This blog is for those writers who are having a tough time staying on track when it comes to scheduling their deadlines, marketing, etc. Strangely enough, despite being a die-hard plotter, I am much closer to a “pantser” when it comes to my time...
Say No to the Multitasking Mistake

Say No to the Multitasking Mistake

We live in a world that is full of the drive to do more, more, more.  As writers, we suffer from this expectation maybe more than a lot of other people. We are expected to write more, blog more, market more, be visible on social media more.  It is all Important, with...
Writers, suit up. Your game is on.

Writers, suit up. Your game is on.

Many authors I meet are in what I call practice mode. What does practice mode look like? It can be the writer who is endlessly polishing his writing skills, but hasn’t completed a draft. Or the author who is plotting an intricate series, but hasn’t written...