by Cathy Yardley | Business, Writing Life
Recently, literary fiction author Ted Heller wrote an article for Salon called “The future is no fun: Self-publishing is the worst.” In it, he describes his misadventures in self-publishing his latest novel, specifically the difficulty he’s had...
by Cathy Yardley | Writing Life
Deep in deadline hell, peeps. For me, this usually means a scattered attention span, a lot of mumbling under my breath — and a hair trigger around things that seem trivial, almost stupid. So yesterday, I tripped on one of these triggers. Thankfully, after a few...
by Cathy Yardley | Craft, Promotion, Writing Life
I’ve noticed on some of the writer forums and blogs I check out, and in responses to my newsletter, that there is this obsession with getting it right. What’s the right way to plot, some ask. How should this work? What do editors want to see? ...
by Cathy Yardley | Writing Life
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it a million times: every writer writes alone, but no writer succeeds that way. The world is not necessarily kind or understanding when it comes to writers. We’re not even kind to ourselves. The best way to...
by Cathy Yardley | Writing Life
Sometimes I get overwhelmed. Things go wrong. Or, conversely, things go unexpectedly right – only all at once. I’m surrounded by a multitude of paths, and often feel like I have no map. It’s hard to prioritize when seemingly everything is about the...
by Cathy Yardley | Uncategorized, Writing Life
I first wrote this post years ago, and needless to say, a lot has happened since then! New types of social media, the rise of video shorts. Bookstagram, BookTok, etc. That said, the basics remain the same. How do you find time to write and promote? I haven’t...