by Cathy Yardley | Writing Life
You’re building your support network. Now what? You’ve started to reach out for a support network (if not, re-read last week’s newsletter.) You’re presumably writing. But you’ve done that before, and it didn’t turn out the...
by Cathy Yardley | Craft, Promotion, Writing Life
What does “playing to win” mean? This one’s gonna be a rough one, gang. But it’s important. I love the movie The Replacements. (Largely due to Keanu Reaves, not gonna lie.) But there is a great line in it, where the coach played by Gene...
by Cathy Yardley | Craft, Writing Life
As part of both my coaching service and my critique service, I get to see the framework of a lot of stories in progress. When it comes to conflict in general, and Hopeless Moments in the third act in particular, there’s one thing I notice, over and over...
by Cathy Yardley | Writing Life
This blog is for those writers who are having a tough time staying on track when it comes to scheduling their deadlines, marketing, etc. Strangely enough, despite being a die-hard plotter, I am much closer to a “pantser” when it comes to my time...